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SSPA DPRs version 9. What you need to know.

Microsoft updates its SSPA data protection requirements (DPRs) to version 9. What you need to know.


How to ace your external Microsoft SSPA assessment

SSPA assessment key to success

Have you been asked to independently verify your SSPA compliance? Are you a small, agile company that does not really have a lot of documented processes and procedures?

If you are, please read on, we have some useful advice for you.


Remote SSPA assessment challenges tackled

Whilst COVID-19 means we may be working from home, the need to manage the Microsoft supply chain has not changed. Our clients are still being challenged with meeting the compliance requirements set out in the Microsoft Supplier Security & Privacy Assurance Program (SSPA). The assessment deadlines are still in place as is the need for some, to have a third-party attestation of compliance to the Data Protection Requirements (DPRs).