GDPR for Marketers online training course

GDPR for Marketing Practitioners online course

New 3-hour online course for marketing practitioners to all things GDPR. Hosted by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and delivered by the Head of iCompli, this is an essential course for anyone working in marketing.


Lead Generation from Publicly Available Data

Using legitimate interests and balancing tests for the personal data you find in the public domain...

EU, Brexit and data protection

Data Protection Brexit Planning

What’s happening, what do I need to do, where can I get more information?

how to win business in Europe C&IT US Forum with Duncan Smith

How to win business in Europe

C&IT speaking engagement for their US netwroking forum for event professionals...


What's a DPO?

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a formally recognised job role in the GDPR but not all organistions need to appoint one...


GDPR in Practice

By now, most of us working with GDPR on a day-to-day basis have discovered it’s not about the legal theory, it’s the practice!


GDPR Day in Riga, Latvia

25.5.18 GDPR Day in Riga, Latvia

GDPR as a competitive advantage

iCompli heads to Cyprus to explain GDPR implications to marketers there.  GDPR isn't just for the UK or even Europe - its impact is global for those doing business and using data from here.


iCompli and Merit Group advise on GDPR

We all know data is the ‘Life blood’ of data base marketing. So if your business is data, if subscribers are the life blood of your business, what does the new data protection regulation mean to you?


New Direct Marketing Code of Practice: Challenges

Clause 79 of the UK Digital Economy Bill introduces a requirement for a statutory direct marketing code of practice. It's current wording makes it an amendment to the Data Protection Act 1998, but it will clearly have implications for compliance with GDPR.