

New Direct Marketing Code of Practice: Challenges

Clause 79 of the UK Digital Economy Bill introduces a requirement for a statutory direct marketing code of practice. It's current wording makes it an amendment to the Data Protection Act 1998, but it will clearly have implications for compliance with GDPR.


Google v Gore-Vidal ‘Safari-Gate’: implications for corporate risk.

Unfair processing of personal data has implications for corporate risk management.


New Statutory Direct Marketing Code; heads up!

The new Digital Economy Bill 2016 will introduce a new statutory direct marketing code of practice.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

‘GDPR Primer’ is the first in a series of in-depth posts from compliance experts iCompli designed to help you successfully navigate your way around the new global data protection law! Yes, it is global.


EU Trade Mark (EUTM) reform - don't lose your protection

On March 23rd, 2016 a new EU Regulation (EU/2015/2424) came in to force which could have significant impact on the validity of your EU Trade Marks (EUTM).


Top 10 most complained about adverts of 2015

I have just read the 2015 top 10 most complained about adverts as identified by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).


New Safe Harbor Guidance from ICO

Most of us are simply sitting back, hoping that the storm will blow over and waiting for the powers that be to get their collective acts together and sort this all out.


Data protection breach: France bring forward increase in fines

It appears France have decided they cannot wait until the GDPR comes in to force in 2018 to impose fines of up to 4% of global revenue for a serious data protection breach.

EU-US Privacy Shield update. What does Privacy Shield mean for my business? new data transfer era has a brand name, political will, and some important new US legislation (Judicial Redress), but that's about it for substance!

Meet the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The new EU-wide data protection laws have finally been agreed. In the UK we will now be saying goodbye to the Data Protection Act 1998 and 'welcoming' in the new EU Regulations (GDPR)